If you want to be successful buy brands


Are you in for a quick proof on what the right clothes can do for us?

Sometime ago I came across a very interesting article. It showed how we react on people, based on their outfits only!!

If you want to be successful buy brands!

Simple, isn’t it?!

Two researchers from the University of Maastricht (The Netherlands) and the University of Hasselt (Belgium), spent several yeard observing the effect of popular brands on our social behavior. They did a test with two charity teams. One of the teams was dressed in brand clothing, the other team was dressed in just plain, no special brands clothes.

Can you guess what the outcome was? Yes, the charity team wearing the popular brands collected much more money than the other team!


But why?

Plus, isn’t that unfair towards those who can’t afford to buy brands?

Buying brands may seem expensive (and it can be expensive indeed), but it definitely pays back in the long term. You just need a strategy.

A plan what to buy, so that every piece speaks the message of your brand, and makes you look stunning at the same time.

We all are drawn to beautiful things, that explains why we judge a book by its cover, but let’s be honest here – who would you prefer to talk to, a good looking guy or someone who needs a shower.

Appearance matters, and there is definitely no time for making a second FIRST impression in business….


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Branding Brilliance